Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas in entry below

Summer School Preparations

Hello again! I hope your holidays were great:) I went to Cusco for Christmas (as shown above). This week has been pretty full. I've been getting my classroom ready (shown in the entry below- which will also be used as the library). I've had various meetings with the Director, our Peruvian NGO counterpart Kindness Connection Peru, and the teachers for summer school in preparation for summer school. I'm really excited to see all the kids again and finally get the chance to lead my own class. Plus, summer school is gonna be lots of fun. Since its summertime, there will be games everyday along with review:)

Below is the flyer/announcement of summer school that I made. The graphics and picture didn't show up...sorry. For those who can't read Spanish, it basically says that summer school is being offered for free at Paz y Esperanza in cooperation with the NGO's CDCA (the non-profit I work for) and Kindness Connection Peru (our counterpart organization). The Director is has been distributing them and lots of people have been stopping by the school to sign their children up. So exciting!

Institución Educativa 40701
“Paz y Esperanza”

En Cooperación con las ONG’s
CDCA y Kindness Connection Perú
Vacaciones Útiles Gratuita
- Inglés
- Dibujo y Pintura
- Razonamiento Lógico Matemática
- Razonamiento Verbal
*Refrigerio Escolar Gratuito (Fruta y Pan)

Inicio: Lunes el 12 de Enero
Horario: 9 AM hasta 12:30 PM Lunes a Viernes
Nota: Matriculas Abiertas del Primer Grado al
Sexto Grado Nivel Primario

Asentamiento Urbano Municipal Sector “F”
Av. Jesús Alberto Paez S/N
As the flyer states, we are starting summer school this coming Monday , January 12th. I will be sure to write another entry to the blog after the first week of classes. Thanks for reading. Feel free to send good wishes in a comment. 'Til next week.........

My humble classroom