Saturday, October 24, 2009

Visit to Quequeña

Hi:) So, I visited the school at Quequeña (the only primary school there is out there) and was pleasantly surprised. I had been told that Quequeña was mostly farmland and that the town itself was very small (population size around 1,000). Therefore, I was not expecting much from the school itself.

The school was surprisingly spacious and the grounds somewhat modern compared to other public schools I have been to. It had a soccer and volleyball court and lots of green area as well as plants and trees. The student body is small (55 students- 1st through 6th grades), but the students seem very attentive and respectful. The teachers seemed engaging and knowledgeable about the community and the public school system.

I would have to say that Quequeña is also a contender for a future partnership with CDCA. It will be difficult to choose a school for CDCA to work with in the future. I really enjoyed my visits at all 3 schools and would love it if they could all receive help. Maybe, CDCA could somehow work with all three of the schools ;-)

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